Most of you that will be reading this, probably have only known me in my older, "wiser" years. I'm going to give you some insight on me, as a child, so you can see how I've blossomed into the person I am today.
When I was about five years old, we had a campsite that we owned, that we would stay at for the entire summer. Because you could own them, the same people were there, year after year. I had a friend that was the same age as me, had a permanent kool-aid mustache and a mom that looked like Peg Bundy. There was the people right below us, that even though we saw them every summer, would never talk to us. Then to the right of our campsite was a couple that had a mentally challenged son. That's who this story is about. Even though he was in his 20's, he was mentally, much younger. Whenever our summer friends would be getting together, we would stop at his camp and ask his mom if he could come with us. She always appreciated us including him in our activities. One day my grandma came back to camp, when his mom came over and said she needed to talk to her. She told my grandma that her son and I had been drawing together earlier that day and that I had drawn a picture for him. He had came home with the picture and immediately showed her my art. She didn't quite know how to explain what I had drawn, so she brought it with her, so my grandma could see for herself. Apparently, I had drawn him a picture of a horse! This was no ordinary horse though, I had drawn a horse, with a big, huge dick. I had drawn, a mentally challenged guy, a picture of a horse with a penis. He had came home with the picture extremely embarrassed and showed his mom the dirty picture I drew. I'm not sure what my grandma said, in attempt to apologize for my "creativity" or what she said to me about my picture, but I guarantee, there were three very awkward conversations that happened that day.
This next story takes place when I was around the same age. I'm not sure how this started, but I do know it went on for quite some time. Every time we had company, let it be, family, family friends, and sometimes people I had never met, I would go in the bathroom, into the medicine cabinet and get the box of q-tips. I would stick them in my ears and then walk out into the living room where every one was visiting. I remember how much it would make everyone laugh, so I made sure to do it every, single time. I actually found it a little unusual how funny people would think this was. I also never quite understood the look on my grandma's face as I would prance around with these things in my ear. There would be a smile, but the smile was accompanied with a disapproving head shake. She seemed embarrassed. I didn't know why she would be embarrassed. Obviously, I was quite the crowd pleas er. It wasn't until years later I found out why she was so embarrassed. That box of q-tips stayed in the medicine cabinet well after my performances had stopped. I was about 13, when I opened the medicine cabinet one day and realized exactly what it was that I was sticking in my ears. They didn't look like the ones we use now, which is why it took me a while to recognize what they were. I opened the medicine cabinet and noticed the box of tampons. It instantly hit me, that this was the same box that contained the "q-tips", that I would stick in my ears with the strings dangling down and parade around in front of company with. Oh how proud I must have made her.
You're not surprised are you?
Not at all!