Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Walmart - The new pulpit

So I was at Walmart earlier today and when I walked out, there was a dude out there with some petitions trying to get them signed. I always stop to see what they are pushing. If I learned anything from the song "Man In the Mirror" it's that if I want to make the world a better place, I have to take a look at myself and then make that change. I sign a few of the petitions and he has one more for me. He tells me it's a petition to make porn stars wear condoms when they are filming. He went on to say that it's to help prevent the spread of AIDS and it's backed up by all the churches. As soon as he said that it was backed up by the churches, I backed up and said that I didn't want to sign that one. He asked me why and I told him that it's a matter of free will whether they choose to wear one or not, just like everyone else in the world. I also said that it's a matter of control and I don't believe in trying to control what others do, who am I to tell them what they can and can't do. So he explains to me that this petition is for us to get the right to vote on whether they should be made to wrap it up or not. Again, I told him no, It's not my right to decide what someone has to do, so I don't even think the option of being able to vote for it should be put in place. He looked at me so confused and said, "It's to stop the spread of AIDS, don't you want to be protected from that?". I started to walk away and said,. "I've been out of the porn business a long time, I don't have to worry about that anymore". He might have had that "I'll pray for you" look on his face, but I didn't wait to see his reaction. I got to my car and then all these questions, concerns, and comments came to me, that I almost wanted to walk back there and bring them up to him, but I was on my lunch and if he was part of the church, the conversation would probably have just gone round and round and I didn't really have time for that, so I'm going to put my questions, concerns and comments here, because, well this is just a weird issue to me and I wonder if I'm the only that feels this way.

First off, isn't this a matter of free will? Whatever floats their boats? Whatever tickles their pickle? How can we force them to wear condoms and not force it on everyone who is having sex. Should junkies have to put condoms on their needles too? Your goal is to stop the spread of AIDS right?

So you say that the church is fully behind this? It is my understanding that church and state are to remain separate, but they seem to really love putting their noses into politics. If they have such a passion for it, I say let them get involved! You're tax exempt for a reason, but if you want to start sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, then by all means, start paying taxes! I'm sure our country could really use it. God only knows how much money is flowing into the church, but it's probably not flowing just as equally on the is it. We could kill two birds with one stone, find out how much the church is actually pilfering and help our country get out of debt. Praise the Lord!!

Now are we only going to make them wear condoms while their filming, or are we going to roll this over into their personal life too? Do they only spread AIDS while they are working? Does AIDS clock out for the day with them?

I have to wonder why they are focusing on porn stars? Is the church bored with the gays and has decided to focus it's concern on adult film stars? Maybe I missed the news that porn stars are the new outbreak monkey. I thought porn had very strict guidelines on testing and that the actors had to be tested something like twice a month? I'm going to go out on a limb and say they are probably cleaner than a lot of other people, because I have a feeling a majority of the population does not get tested that often, if at all.

This is my final and biggest concern though. If the actors are forced to wear condoms, for the people out there that watch porn, won't it make porn not as good, less sensitive, and they won't feel it as much?


  1. Interesting, but I must beg of you to reread the laws regarding "separation of church and state", its not so the "church" stays out of politics, its do that politics stay out of church. The reason our founding fathers came here was to escape from british government control over the church. The government controlled the church so much that they were making doctrine over how and when you could worship into laws. They wanted freedom to worship freely without restraint. Now don't hate all churches, I used to belong to a church in Sherman Oaks that gave new and clean needles to addicts, they didn't preach to them they were going to hell for using drugs, they instead gave them love and offered a way to protect themselves.

  2. Love, which is, what Jesus came to do. And what God is love, not judging or hating, or controlling.
    Unfortunately, most of the "church" has forgotten that...

    Also, I meant put laws in doctrine. I sometimes write backwards. Sorry. :)

  3. Thanks Noel for explaining that, I thought it was the other way around. I don't hate any church really, I'm not a fan of organized religion. Some churches have it right and some have it really wrong. The ones that are behind these laws that are hateful, judgmental and controlling are the ones that have it all wrong. I'm pretty sure that's not what God had in mind either. The line has really started to blur between the righteous and the wicked.

  4. Amen to that Brett. I'm with you. If God meant to control us, we would have free will right? MOST religious people have it so very very wrong, and they spread their doctrine of hate and control under the heading of "scripture" with no basis for it. Makes me mad

    Take care. And you are an excellent writer, btw. :)
