I am a meat and potatoes girl, through and through. Growing up, we had some form of red meat every night for dinner. I also have a severe dislike of beans. With that being said, I never thought I could ever be a vegetarian. Being a self-proclaimed animal advocate, I was called out by my vegan cousin, for being a hypocrite. What is the difference between a cow and a dog, or a pig and a cat. Just because two types live in my home (to be clear it's the cat and dog) and are pets, doesn't make their suffering more important than that of other animals. Then I saw this TED talk.
It seemed completely doable, but I still did nothing. Then I saw this video:
I had never seen a cow play before and how closely it resembled the way my own dogs play. As soon as the video was over I decided then and there to become a weekday vegetarian.
Why just a weekday vegetarian? Well, for me, it doesn't set me up for failure. Which, if I experience enough of, while trying to accomplish a goal, will make me throw in the towel. I will try to be an everyday vegetarian, but if on a Sunday, I get a craving for taco bell, like I did today, I'm not going to beat myself up about it because I went meat free for 6 days. Also, to make this easier for me personally, I allow myself fish. I eat fast food a lot (too much) and allowing fish makes my options greater and my risk for failure smaller. I think it also makes having a meat free diet something I could actually do, every day. I've only been doing this for 2 weeks, so I'm not sure if it will get easier or harder. So far it hasn't been difficult, and in those two weeks, I've actually lost a couple pounds. I'm not sure if it's the diet, or if it was the weight of my hypocrisy.
The first video is less than 4 minutes long. Watch it and be open minded to the idea.
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