I've been really meaning to write on this subject for a while now, and actually planned on doing it today, when something funny happened. Not even 5 minutes ago I was walking downstairs, out of the building, when I noticed the guy who goes office to office selling food leaving also. He was a ways behind me, pulling two large coolers on a rope. I stopped and held the door open for him. He thanked me and said there needs to be more people in the world like me, who still have common courtesy. As we were walking out together we started talking about the subject and how inconsiderate people have become. I told him courtesy is a lost art nowadays and he agreed. He mentioned that it's sad that this kind of thing surprises people. I know that most people have a sense of common courtesy, they just choose not to, whether it's because they're in a rush, not paying attention, or they just don't give a shit. It's time to stop and remember how you like to be treated, because inconsideration annoys everyone, even the inconsiderate.
I'm going to start off with the fellas. Guys, if you see a woman attempting to lift something, that you know is too heavy for her, stop and help her. If you see her trying to load a bunch of crap in her car, stop and help her. Even the smallest gestures are appreciated. Let a woman on and off an elevator first. If there are no seats left and a woman is standing, get off your lazy ass and give her your seat. If you are getting in your car, open her door for her and shut it. It's about to get real old fashioned right about now. If you are walking together, you walk on the street side. For God's sakes guys, if you ask a woman out, you pay! I don't care how "casual" you want it to be, you are a man and you asked her out! If your ass is broke, suggest something you can afford. You guys are always trying to show how tough and manly you are, these are your opportunities! I don't care who you are, how big you are, or how tough you claim to be, when I see a dude not do any of the above, the first thing I think is, what a lazy, punk ass bitch. You want people to respect you like a man? Then act like a man! One of these days when you have the opportunity to do one of these things and your self centered, lazy ass chooses not to, there is gonna be some dude right behind you that will and he will make you look like a punk. Worse yet, I'll be right behind you and I'll help her, and you will look like even more of a punk. Who's the bitch now?
Now that I'm done berating all the so called "men", I'm going to move on to the general public, which means EVERYONE! First and foremost, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, unless your opinion is asked. Think for one second how you would feel if some one was making that remark to you. If you get joy out of it, or it makes you feel better about yourself, hit me up, I'll give you my therapists number because you obviously have issues!
These are some of my pet peeves, that I see people do all the time and it really chaps my hide:
I'm going to start off with the fellas. Guys, if you see a woman attempting to lift something, that you know is too heavy for her, stop and help her. If you see her trying to load a bunch of crap in her car, stop and help her. Even the smallest gestures are appreciated. Let a woman on and off an elevator first. If there are no seats left and a woman is standing, get off your lazy ass and give her your seat. If you are getting in your car, open her door for her and shut it. It's about to get real old fashioned right about now. If you are walking together, you walk on the street side. For God's sakes guys, if you ask a woman out, you pay! I don't care how "casual" you want it to be, you are a man and you asked her out! If your ass is broke, suggest something you can afford. You guys are always trying to show how tough and manly you are, these are your opportunities! I don't care who you are, how big you are, or how tough you claim to be, when I see a dude not do any of the above, the first thing I think is, what a lazy, punk ass bitch. You want people to respect you like a man? Then act like a man! One of these days when you have the opportunity to do one of these things and your self centered, lazy ass chooses not to, there is gonna be some dude right behind you that will and he will make you look like a punk. Worse yet, I'll be right behind you and I'll help her, and you will look like even more of a punk. Who's the bitch now?
Now that I'm done berating all the so called "men", I'm going to move on to the general public, which means EVERYONE! First and foremost, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, unless your opinion is asked. Think for one second how you would feel if some one was making that remark to you. If you get joy out of it, or it makes you feel better about yourself, hit me up, I'll give you my therapists number because you obviously have issues!
These are some of my pet peeves, that I see people do all the time and it really chaps my hide:
- If you bump into someone or step on their foot accidentally, or if you just need to get past, for the love of God say "Excuse me". Don't just push past them or pretend like it didn't happen. You're a jerk. You are in for some major stink eye if you do this to me.
- If you are walking into a building, you don't have to hold the door open for anyone, but at least be courteous enough to glance behind you to see if someone else is coming and not just let the door shut in their face. Seriously? You know better.
- If you are getting onto an elevator, let the people get off first. In your rush to get on the elevator before everyone got off, you just caused a major cluster fuck and it probably took the elevator more time to take you to where you needed to go, than if you had just waited till everyone was off. I hope you got on an elevator going up, when you needed to go down, because you're a dumb ass.
- There is a correct way to walk up and down stairs, in case you didn't know. Whether you are walking up or down stairs you always stay to your right. When you are coming the opposite way as me, staying to your left, please don't stop right in front of me and glare at me because I'm in your way. Actually, if you were any bit courteous, you would know you are in MY way. Move over jackass.
- When you are in a store, restaurant, etc...please pick up after yourself. This is not your home. How would you like it if people walked into your house and threw trash all over and expected you to pick it up since it's "your job"? It is not any one's job to pick up after your disgusting ass, even if they are paid to work there. People always complain that when you need an associate to help you, they can never be found. Want to know why? Because they are too busy cleaning up after people who want to put things wherever they feel necessary and leave their garbage all around. If you are one of these people, don't get upset when you can't find help. They are probably taking the bag of chips you left on aisle 2 back to where they belong because you decided you didn't need them. You're probably right.
- Just because someone is getting paid to do something for you, does not mean that they are your personal servant. Clerks and waiters are there to do a job, they are not your servants and you are not better than them. Acting like that makes a piece of turd better than you.
- For those of you with kids. Yes, your kids are cute and adorable, when they are minding you. They are not however, cute and adorable when they are running through a store or a restaurant yelling, pushing and pretty much acting like wilder-beasts. There is one store I frequent, that I swear every time I go in, there are unruly children running everywhere and every time, a worker has to get on the speaker and tell the parents to not let their children do that. How embarrassing. I don't have kids, I do not know what it is like to be a parent. I don't have children because I don't want to put up with children, what makes you think I want to put up with yours? I know, I know, I don't understand, it's different when you have kids, blah blah blah. That is not an excuse to let your children do whatever the hell they please in public. That's what your home is for. People who don't have kids can't sympathize with you, but every parent knows what it is like to not have kids, so cut us a break and if your kids have discipline issues, leave them at Grandma's. There are plenty of parents out there that can control their children, if you cannot, maybe ask them for some advice because I swear to god if your kid hits me with that plastic sword one more time, if you don't slap him, I will. Better yet, I will lay the stink eye on him...hardcore (stink eye is much more effective on children than adults FYI).
- When it comes to old people, I'll admit, I might be a little over sensitive. If you see an old person doing anything, whether they look like they are struggling or not, you at least offer them assistance. Old people are in need of the most help. They are stubborn, so they won't ask for help and they are old! They have been doing this shit for years! Even though, rude is rude, and if I offer an old person assistance and they respond like I just insulted their dead mother, you can bet that I will mutter under my breath, "Do it yourself then, you old fart", as I walk away. If you are rude, age is not a factor for me.
- I could say so many things about drivers, but that's a whole other blog in itself. I'll stick to the theme of consideration. I did a little experiment the other night when driving home from work in traffic. I made it a point to let every car over, that had their blinker on. It was done in an obvious fashion where I had to slow down in order for them to get over, to see how many of them would acknowledge what I did with a friendly wave. I let over five cars and out of those five, one gave me the wave. Just remember that no one is really obligated to do anything for you and saying thanks, in any way, doesn't hurt.
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