Friday, April 29, 2011

Love Thy Neighbor! (neighbor must meet certain criteria first)

Every morning you wake up and you go to your closet and you try and decide what you are going to wear that day. It’s a choice, it’s a decision, you can wear any outfit you want to wear, but do we really have a choice of how we come out of the closet? I can sit here and repeat the standard arguments that are made over and over again, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
My number one favorite statement that I hear all the time is that it’s a choice. When I hear that, I immediately have to ask the person, “Ok, if that’s the case, how old were you when you chose to be straight?” Usually the response I get is “I just always knew”. According to their reasoning at a certain age we all found ourselves both attracted to males and females and we had to sit and think about which one we liked more, because we have that choice, right? But the people who think it is a choice just “always” knew they were straight, because they can never seem to give me an age. However, luckily for gay people, they were given the choice! So if God really hates gay people, why did he give them the choice and not straight people? I think I’d rather have the option to decide for myself than have someone choose for me. I mean variety is the spice of life!
Also, if it is a choice, do you think anyone would choose this? I personally don’t think if I had the option to possibly live a life of shame and ridicule or a life pretty much accepted by all, I would choose a life of shame and ridicule. It’s absurd to me that people actually think people would choose this life.  I doubt the 7 or more CHILDREN who committed suicide this year would have chosen this for themselves. I think there is a mix up between confusion and decision. I don’t think gay people choose to be gay, however they come to a point in their life where they feel they should be attracted to the opposite sex, because that’s what is “normal” and “acceptable”, but they’re not and to anyone knowing the implications behind being gay, it has to be extremely hard on them. To wake up every morning wondering why you were made different? So to the people who think its wrong and a choice, if you have or when you have a child and he or she “decides” to be gay, I’m going to ask you, “Where did you go wrong?” Apparently you are a terrible parent and did not teach your child to make wise decisions. You should also go to the doctor to find out why such a good, god fearing person like yourself would have a defective child. Maybe God hates people that produce children who decide to be gay…did you ever think of that one? Just think, right now your child or your future child could be your one way ticket to hell!
So here comes the next argument. I have a feeling this one is going to get really touchy. I’m going to talk about the bible and religion now. If you do not have an open mind, you might want to just stop reading now. I personally love religion, I’m fascinated by it. If you have faith in something and are a better person because of it, more power to you!! I do not judge because, who knows what’s right? No one can say for sure. Until the day we die and we meet our maker, no one can say with certainty. However, I was raised Catholic, I am now agnostic, but since people want to use religion as an argument, heck, I will too!
First thing, the most stolen book in the world, the Bible. Very Christian of those thieves I might add. I hope the people are stealing it to turn their lives around, and the last thing they said was “God, if you let me get away with this, it will be the last thing I steal I swear!”, and if they did get away with it, I hope they did turn their lives around. If they didn’t, they should have really read the eighth commandment before stealing the bible, wait, maybe that’s why they were….I digress. The bible says being gay is wrong. I think I could sit down and write a book of rules, saying I was inspired by a being, and that I know his only son, we eat fish and bread together on a regular basis, and you should see what he can do with blood!! I mean that’s all it is right? Yet, people take everything this book says to heart, or do they? I am absolutely fascinated with the people who like to say “well the bible says this, and the bible says that”, the bible says a lot of things, and I can almost guarantee you, the people who say this, only follow what the bible says to their own satisfaction. For instance, I know quite a few men who think being gay is wrong, it’s awful, it’s disgusting!! Why do they think it’s wrong? Because the bible says so, that’s not how God intended us! Well for those of you who feel the same way (especially the fella’s) here’s some information you might find interesting. Did you know that in the bible it says that oral and anal sex is against God’s law because those are homosexual acts? How many of these people that say “well the bible says this”, have performed those acts before? How many guys who think being gay is wrong because of the bible, go home and beg their wives or girlfriends (which is even worse because God does not like premarital sex either) for a blow job or some back door action? Ladies, you can thank me later, but guys, you can cross those things off your list, because if you don’t like gays because god doesn’t, then you can’t like blow jobs anymore either. He also doesn’t approve of masturbating and sex if it’s not leading to procreation. I wonder how many people don’t follow the bible on these rules, because, well, they like them, and since THEY are ok with it, they can bend the rules just a little bit. The bible says “Love thy Neighbor”, not “love thy neighbor, but only if they believe what you believe, if they don’t, then by all means, hate them!” I don’t believe the message Jesus was trying to promote was that of hate and violence. Just because YOU think it is wrong, doesn’t mean you’re right. You never know the bible could have been written to fool us all and actually gay is the right way and all of us straight people could very well be screwed! If everyone is made in God’s light, what makes them so different? We supposedly all came from the same rib, right?
There is only one way I can look at it. I know people who are devout Christians, and treat me very nicely. However, they rally against gay marriage, and judge people who are not like them, or not made in what they believe is God’s likeness. How can you say you are Christian, and at the same time promote hate? Then there are people who are pro-gay and promote hate against anti-gays. How does this make sense? Hate breeds hate, pure and simple. We are fortunate enough to live in a country where we can be free to disagree with others opinions and lifestyles, but we have to keep in mind to live and let live. If you want to be free to live your life as you choose, then you must allow others to live their life as they choose. When you hate a religion for being anti-gay marriage, for the simple fact that they do not like gays, what makes you any different? They hate you for what you are, so you do the same back to them? Hate is hate is hate is hate, no matter what good intentions are behind it. To everyone who believes strongly in something, they always have good intentions behind what they are fighting for, or they would not fight for it. Where does the cycle end?  I believe a 100% wholeheartedly to stand up and defend what you believe in. But when your thinking becomes no different than the person you are fighting, you are going to get nowhere. Once again, live and let live. Don’t hate them because of their ignorance; feel sorry for them, that they don’t know any better. We were all programmed to believe in certain things, which are hard to change, just like they aren’t changing your mind anytime soon, you probably aren’t going to change their minds either, and hate is not going to help either of your causes. I’m not saying give up on something you believe in, but remember they are trying to do the same thing you are and a little respect of different beliefs can go a long way. Ignorance is a dead end road. It doesn’t hurt anyone to expand their minds and listen to another’s point of view. You never know, you might actually learn something you didn’t expect to.

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