Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Well, You're Kind of a Dick!

I have come to a decision. A decision, that once made, is very hard to go back from. I've decided, that I no longer believe that there is a God. That's right. I have denounced God. For those of you who don't know, this means I have pretty much just sentenced myself to the worse possible fate you could have. Essentially, as soon as you denounce God, you go straight to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect one of those little golden harps. Straight. To. Hell.

Let's say this is all true. God is up there and he is pissed. After 12 years of Catholic school, this is what he gets from me? He doesn't think it's right, that after everything he's done, I deny him. Well guess what God? I don't think what you have done is right! Let me explain. God created us. He made us into finely tuned machines, with brains that are so intricate, we don't even know how to use the whole thing. With this brain, he gave us free thought and reasoning. He gave us the ability to analyze. We wouldn't have science, if this wasn't true. However, here is what he has failed to give us. There are claims of holy events and his existence, yet gives us no proof. He gives us solid, concrete proof for things that completely contradict what he says is true. Why would a God give evidence and proof to support his non-existence, but give us nothing to support his existence? So let me make sure I'm getting this straight God, you give me a brain equipped with free thought, you give me nothing that proves your existence, but you do give me proof that contradicts your existence, yet if I don't believe in you, you will send me straight to hell. That's kind of a dick move! You are setting me up to fail! If my choice is to believe in someone, who obviously is out to get me and does not have my best interest in mind or an eternity to hell, I'll take hell any day. God seems like a complete asshole.

What you want to believe in is up to you, who am I to tell you what's right and wrong. I will leave you with this interesting equation; Being an atheist I have a 50:50 chance of being correct, either there is or there isn't a God. For all the theists, here is a breakdown of their odds:

G x D = : 1

Let G be The number of possible Deities (ever existing)

Let D be the number of denominations in the persons religion

Let X be the total of G & D for the ratio.
Given that there is around 

2812 different deities
(Extreme Minimum)

G = 2812
For this I will pick Christianity

There is currently around 38,000
Christian Denominations.

= 38,000
Now Lets use that Formula

2812 x 38000 = X

2812 x 38,000 = 106,856,000
So if you are christian, you have a

1 in 106,856,000 of having the right god, 
and then the right denomination.

Mind you, These calculations,
do not take into consideration Cults & Sects.

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