Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's Not Rocket Science.

“Excuses are monuments of nothingness. They build bridges to nowhere. Those who use these tools of incompetence, seldom become anything but nothing at all.” -Unknown

When do you stop making excuses for life? When do you finally take responsibility for your life and realize it's not outside sources that are the problem. You are the problem.

Weak people make excuses for why they do things, or more importantly, why they don't do things. I consider these people weak because they are basically saying, that they have no control over their own lives. They couldn't do it because of this or that. If you really, truly wanted to make it happen, you wouldn't be talking about it, you would be busy doing it. Excuses make it obvious that you didn't want it bad enough and  this or that take the blame, while you save face. Or do you?

Those who make excuses for why things aren't their fault, don't realize that everyone can see right through them. While they are busy not taking responsibility, they don't notice the "what are you doing with your life?" look on others faces as they listen to the laundry list of excuses spewing from from their pie hole. When you make an excuse, you are trying to convince someone else that it is circumstances beyond your control. The reality is, you are only trying to convince yourself and your actions or in-actions are in your control and only in your control. There are always going to obstacles in life, do you just forever succumb to them? You are a coward if you do. You obviously don't have the guts to stand up for yourself and make them get out of your way.

Sometimes these obstacles are people, they like to blame those around them, friends and family, for holding them back. They like to blame others for their bad habits. No one can stop you from accomplishing what you want to accomplish. You are allowing them to stop you and you are blaming them when, in fact, you are stopping yourself. I can't remember ever seeing the news and hearing, "Coming up on the news at 10, Friend forces other friend at gunpoint to go to a bar, victim was then forced to consume mass quantities of alcohol. Victim found the next day, hungover and useless". Why is it, that there are excusses made for the important things in life, or should I say, claim to be important and there never seems to be any obstacles in the way when it comes to less important things in life, like the fun things. If only the stuff that was considered important could be done in a bar, excuses would cease to exist. People with bad habits will always try to hold you down, especially if you have that bad habit in common. They will want to keep you around so that they're not being a loser all by themselves, or maybe it's the other way around and you need them. I wouldn't want to keep people around me who do not have my best interest in mind. If you are that needy and can't fathom losing any friends, then you need to be strong and for godsake's show a little self control. Tell them you have better, more important things to do. If they want you to succeed, they will understand. If you have no self control, you might want to think twice about the company you keep. Be careful though, if you decide to remove people with bad habits from your life, you might realize your bad habits are still there, even after they are gone. Who will you have to blame then?

In defense of the people who are challenged in the accountability department, I think it has to do a lot with how they were raised. They didn't have to do anything themselves, everything was handed to them. In between the physical coddling, there was the mental coddling. Always hearing their parents make excuses for them, they start to develop the, "well if my mom doesn't think it's my fault, then I guess it isn't" mentality. These parents have failed their children and have molded a lazy child, that will only have one main accomplishment in life, making excuses. 

It boils down to this; if you still find obstacles *cough* YOU *cough* in your way, then you simply don't want it enough. It is no longer a goal, or a dream, or a passion. If it was, nothing would hold you back. Maybe it's time to find something else important that you won't find excuses for, like working at the local bar. 

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