Thursday, November 17, 2011

Real Conversation

Here's the real story.
Yeah, that letter was awful.
I said some pretty harsh things.
All thrown at you at once.
Guess what?
You couldn't fit,
all the awful things,
into just that one letter,
that you have said to me,
in the past six years.

You want to know why,
that letter hurt you so much?
Because you know its all true.
I didn't make it up,
just to hurt your feelings.
I had every reason,
to say the things I did.
I didn't write it,
to get joy out of being mean.
I wrote it because,
you needed to hear the truth.

You can hate me,
all you want.
The truth is,
there aren't enough letters,
in this world,
to equal,
how awful,
what you did was.

You dicked me around,
for four years.
You played with my heart,
and my emotions.
You've shown zero remorse.
You caused a hurt in me,
so deep,
I will never be the same.

So you can sit,
on your high horse,
and look down on me,
all you want.

If you think I'm awful,
because I said those things,
to you,
know that I would never,
in a million years,
want to make someone feel,
the way you,
have made me feel.

If I ever did,
I would at least,
have the decency,
to feel bad about it.

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